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Felony Theft in Phoenix

Felony theft is an extremely serious charge in Phoenix. Whereas misdemeanor theft can carry no more than a six month jail term and $2500 in fines plus restitution theft , felony theft can result in long-term prison sentences and up to $150,000 in fines plus surcharges and restitution.

Being accused of, and charged with, felony theft can be a very frightening and overwhelming experience. It is also an experience you should never go through alone. Therefore, if you are being charged with felony theft of any kind in Phoenix, it is extremely important to retain a competent, aggressive defense attorney who will fight for your legal rights.

Let’s take a look at the different classes of felony theft in Phoenix, including the penalties you could be facing if convicted…

What are the Classes of Felony Theft?

Because felony theft follows the general classification guidelines for felony crimes in Arizona, there are six levels of felony theft charges felony. What class you are charged with has to do with several variables, including the dollar value of the property or service, how it was obtained, and whether or not a firearm or a living creature was stolen.

Class 6 Felony Theft in Phoenix - You will be charged with class 6 felony theft in Phoenix if the value of the property or service stolen is between $1,000 and $2,000. Also, if you steal a firearm or animal, you will be charged with a class 6 felony even if the value of either is less than $1000. If you are found guilty, you can be sentenced to a term of between 4 months and 2 years in prison, and ordered to pay fines up to $150,000 plus surcharges (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-702(D)).

Class 5 Felony Theft in Phoenix - You will be charged with class 5 felony theft in Phoenix if the value of the property or service stolen is between $2,000 and $3,000. If you are found guilty, you can be sentenced to a term of between 6 months and 2.5 years in prison. You can also be ordered to pay fines totaling no more than $150,000 plus surcharges (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-702(D)).

Class 4 Felony Theft in Phoenix - You will be charged with class 4 felony theft in Phoenix if the value of the property or service stolen is between $3,000 and $4,000. Also, if you steal a car’s engine or transmission, regardless of value, you will be charged with a class 4 felony.

  • Additionally, if you are caught shoplifting and have two or more previous convictions for burglary, shoplifting or theft within the last 84 months, you will also automatically be charged with a class 4 felony even if the shoplifting offense would otherwise be a misdemeanor (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-1805(I))

If you are found guilty of class 4 felony theft in Phoenix, you can be sentenced to a term of between 1 and 3.75 years in prison. You can also be ordered to pay fines totaling $150,000 plus surcharges (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-702(D)).

Class 3 Felony Theft in Phoenix - You will be charged with class 3 felony theft in Phoenix if the value of the property or service stolen is between $4,000 and $25,000. Because of the wide range of value in this class, if you are found guilty you can be sentenced to a term of between 2 to 8.75 years in prison. You can also be ordered to pay fines of up to $150,000 plus surcharges (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-702(D)).

Class 2 Felony Theft in Phoenix - You will be charged with class 2 felony theft in Phoenix if the value of the property or service stolen is greater than $25,000. If you are found guilty, you can be sentenced to a term of between 3 and 12.75 years in prison, and ordered to pay fines totaling $150,000 plus surcharges (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-1802G, 13-702(D)).

Other Considerations with Felony Theft

If you are found guilty of any class of felony theft in Phoenix, you can also be subject to civil penalties in addition to the criminal ones outlined above. These can include:

  • Restitution in the full amount of the retail value of the product or service stolen
  • An additional amount (up to $250) owed to the owner of the property or service stolen, and this can be above and beyond any other actual damages you caused (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 12-691)

Furthermore, if you are a parent of a minor found guilty of felony theft, you can be liable for up to $100 in addition to the retail value of the stolen property or service, as well as any damages your child caused the victim.

Phoenix Criminal Attorney Defends You Against Felony Theft Charges in Phoenix

Unlike misdemeanor theft, felony theft offenders are not offered any kind of diversion program in lieu of jail or prison time. Therefore, you should retain a knowledgeable and competent attorney to fight for you, versus accepting your fate at the hands of a judge without any protection whatsoever.

Phoenix Criminal Attorney provides our clients with focused legal assistance for every kind of felony theft charge. We will not stop fighting for your rights by making sure that every possible legal option and defense strategy is available to you. If you have been charged with any kind of felony theft crime in Phoenix, contact us today for a private, no obligation consultation at 602-551-8092.


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